Single calculations

Command: calc_field_single(maxit, permode, maxcop, freq)

Perform a single field calculation.

maxit Maximum number of iterations, (1 for linear calculation)
rmod Reset the permeability with restored, maintaining the current with actual
du_u0 Cancellation condition (lower limit for change in permeability in %)
freq Frequency [Hz] for FEMAG-AC (optional parameter, from Rev. 8.2)


calc_field_single(99,actual,0.05)          -- deprecated version

When calling the function without arguments the global settings for maxit, rmod and du_u0 are used (see FE Control Parameter):


In newer FEMAG-versions the call is clearer, as the following example shows:

                    maxit   = 99,        -- max number of iterations (default: 1 => linear calculation)
                    maxcop  = 0.05,      -- max change of permeability (default: 0.1 in %
                    permode = "act",     -- permeability mode ("actual", "restored", default: "restored")
                    freq = 0.0           -- frequency in case of FEMAG AC (default: 0)

The order of the arguments is without relevance and furthermore are they optional. Each default value are is given in the example. The identifier in quotation marks can generaly be used in shortened form as well, e.g. “act” instead of “actual”.

See example Spulenflussverkettung über Drehwinkel

Command: calc_demag(dmod, hkrit)

Execute a demagnetization calculation. The routine must be called several times until the magnetization state is stationary, so this command is actually executing an iteration step.

dmod Demagnetization model
hkrit Demagnetization critical field

Demagnetization models

  • dmod = 1: the model used in ‘’Multiple-Calculations-I/’’. For anisotropic permanent magnets, only the field component in the direction of the magnetization vector is considered. The linear model is defined by the remanent flux-density and relative recoil permeability. The field strength hkrit defines the knee point. Calculation is on a parallel line to the magnetization characteristic.

Command: export_calc_results(<file>.vtu)

Exports the results, depending of state_of _problem, to the vtu-file.

file Filename

Command: rotate(agr, phi, dsel, mode)

Rotation of the inner or outer part of a machine by a predetermined absolute or incremental angle phi. The mode parameter can be used to set the mode of rotation or the function of the routine. Save and reset save or restore the initial state. Other parameters have no meaning here. The default absolute rotates the rotor from the initial state around the specified absolute angle phi. The material properties are reset at each rotation step. The default increment rotates to restore an angular increment phi without first restoring the initial state.

agr Air-gap radius (in global units)
phi The angle of rotation [deg]
dsel Selects the machine part to be moved (“inside”, “outside”)
mode Selects the mode (“absolute”, “increment”, “save”, “reset”)


rotate(27,12,inside,absolute)         -- deprecated version

Rotates the inner or outer part limited by airgap radius of 27 mm (if global unit set to ‘mm’) from the starting position to 12° in mathematical positive direction.

See example Spulenflussverkettung über Drehwinkel

Bei neueren FEMAG-Versionen ist der Aufruf in erweiterter Art möglich. Die Übergabe der Argumente erfolgen als Datenstruktur, wie das nachfolgende Beispiel verdeutlicht. Der Aufruf ist dreigeteilt in eine Initialisierung, die eigentliche Drehung und das Rücksetzen des Modells nach Abschluss des Bewegungsablaufs. Diese Teilung ermöglicht eine schnellere Ausführung der Drehung, da Prüfungen des Modells lediglich bei der Initialisierung erfolgen. Beim herkömmlichen Aufruf wie oben gezeigt, erfolgen diese bei jedem Drehschritt und verlangsamen.

Example: Initializing

         airgap = 27,        -- air gap radius (in global units)
         region = "inside",  -- region to rotate ("inside" or "outside")
         mode   = "save",    -- save the initial model state
         quant  = 2.0        -- quantization of rotation angle in degree

The argument quant is optional. Default value of the quantization is 1° to prevent impact from rounding errors.

Example: Rotation

         angle = phi,        -- angle of rotation in degrees
         mode  = "abs",      -- type of movement ("absolute" or "incremental")
         check = "auto",     -- type of internal checks to perform ("all", "auto" or "none")

Identifier in quotations marks can be used in shortened form, e.g. “abs” instead of “absolute”. The argument is optional, default value is “auto”.

Example: Reset after closure

         mode = "reset"      -- restore the initial state (discard any changes)

See example Verwendung von poc-Files in individuellen Berechnungsabläufen

Command: read_poc_file(file, steps, curr, curr_angle)

Opens a poc-file with electrical current definitions for the later uses in combination with the command update_curr_pos.

file name of the poc-file with extension
steps number of movement steps including first and last
curr current peak value in A
currangle current angle (phase position opposite to polrad voltage, optional, default value is 0) in degrees



Im Beispiel beträgt die doppelte Polteilung 72° (elektrischer Periodenwinkel). Es soll in Schritten von 1° gedreht werden. Der Drehbereich umfasst eine gesamte Periode, der erste Drehschritt enspricht dem letzten. Es werden daher 72+1 Positionen berechnet. Die Stromamplitude beträgt 30 A und der Strangstrom eilt der Polradspannung um 20° vor. Die Definition der Schrittanzahl und des Stromwinkels entsprechen somit der Multiple-I/x-Berechnung.

Command: update_curr_pos(step, curr_fact)

Verwendung nach vorangehendem Öffnen einer poc-Datei mit dem Befehl read_poc_file. Der Aufruf aktualisiert die Strangströme für den vorgegebenen Bewegungsschritt step entsprechend der Verlaufsdefinition in der poc-Datei.

step movement step
currfact factor of the given current (optional, default value is 1)


phi, dphi = update_curr_pos(5)

This function returns the current position respectively the rotation agle phi and the angle increment dphi in degrees.

See example Verwendung von poc-Files in individuellen Berechnungsabläufen